

A world-first fixed-platform natural gas liquefaction facility with uncongested open-water access for LNG carriers, free of the coastal footprint that burdens shore-based facilities.

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World’s first platform-based liquefied natural gas facility
6 MMtpa
Tanks capable of storing 300,000 cubic metres of LNG
Wood has partnered with LNG21 on their pioneering project to develop the world’s first offshore platform-based liquefied natural gas (PLNG) and storage facility in the 墨西哥湾.

The abundance of natural gas in the US along with the rising global demand of LNG, 尤其是在亚洲, is establishing a strong incentive for the development of innovative solutions to export LNG from the US.

Onshore LNG facilities have been the predominant industry solution since the 1960s but with the constant flux in market supply and demand dynamics, floating LNG (FLNG) facilities (offshore and near-shore) are becoming increasingly prevalent with a focus on lowering project costs, improving operating efficiencies and reducing execution schedules.

The LNG21 project is designed as a world-first fixed-platform natural gas liquefaction facility with uncongested open-water access for LNG carriers, free of the coastal footprint that burdens shore-based facilities.

齐心协力, Wood and LNG21 developed the proposal for the visionary multiple fixed platform, 桥接可扩展的综合体, engineered to host and support a variety of LNG processing and storage systems on individual or multiple dedicated platforms. 独特的PLNG方法提供了一个安全的, cost-effective and time compressed schedule in executing mid-scale LNG developments between at-shore, 近岸及深水浮船.

Wood’s initial scope on the project included the successful pre-front end engineering design (FEED) work, optimising design to meet safety and environmental regulations, as well as enabling the client to define the siting and installation strategies.

在下一阶段, Wood delivered front-end engineering design for the proposed development, 结合已建立的, industry-wide offshore solution – the fixed jacket supporting the topside processing facilities – with proven LNG processing equipment operating globally. Initially designed to include six modular natural gas liquefaction trains, 总最优容量为6.每年100万公吨, all modules will be installed on conventional fixed platforms designed by Wood.

The primary power for the development will come from steam turbines - combined cycle power generation – capturing waste heat from liquefaction and generating electricity. This will not only reduce the need for additional gas turbines but lower carbon emissions being released into the atmosphere.

Within the pioneering engineering and design scope, Wood’s team evaluated onshore gas pre-treatment plant configuration and layouts, 通用工具, 原料气处理, 压缩, transportation and delivery via repurposed pipelines from existing onshore facilities in Louisiana to the LNG facility 10 miles offshore.

By applying existing technologies from recognised industry suppliers, Wood’s engineering design ensures reliable performance from equipment with a proven track record, increasing uptime and reducing the need for resource-heavy shutdowns.

Wood was selected for the project based on the company’s global heritage, 无与伦比的专业知识, engineering model and adherence to environmental and safety regulations. 与ln21建立长期合作伙伴关系, the company is committed to achieving the construction and eventual completion of the development.

在项目的下一阶段, 等待批准, 伍德将开始详细设计工作, 设备的采购和建设. 一旦完成, gas from the Texas Permian Basin will be transported to the offshore platform where it will be liquefied, 储存并最终出口到全球.